Networking Opportunities

Locate a Sibshop in NY
Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters with peer support and information in a lively and recreational setting.

sibsNY Meetups
sibsNY is a group dedicated to connecting the brothers and sisters of people with disabilities. Our members share fun activities and social outings, as well as information and support that helps them meet the challenges of having a sibling with a disability. Located in NYC, we are seeking to expand sibsNY by fostering the development of local sibling groups and outings in communities throughout our large state. If you would like to connect with other siblings of people with disabilities in your area, join us!

There are 3 different online networks for siblings who want to connect and network with other siblings from the comfort of their own home at any time. These online communities of siblings are interactive, closed groups of adult siblings of siblings who share concerns, challenges, joys, insights, information, resources, and strategies. Sibnet on Facebook for adult siblings:
Sibnet on Facebook for adult siblings:
Sib20 on Facebook for siblings in their 20’s:
SibTeen on Facebook for teen siblings: